How to Design a Vehicle Wrap to Advertise Your Business
Using vehicle wraps to advertise your business can be an effective way to get your name and logo in front of potential customers. These wraps are typically printed on vinyl sheets that are applied to the exterior of your vehicles. They are a cost-effective advertising option, and can last for up to three years or more depending on the company you choose.
One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a reliable sign shop is their experience. Make sure to read reviews online and check with the Better Business Bureau to find a company that has a good reputation in the area you are looking for.
It’s also important to know what you can expect from them during the installation process. Some companies can have their technicians complete the wrap in a single day, while others may require your vehicles to stay on the shop for an extended period of time. Ask to see how they will protect your cars during this process so that you can feel confident about leaving them in the hands of a professional.
Once you have found a company that fits your needs, it’s time to design the wrap. You’ll need to choose your brand colors, images, and text that you want to include in the wrap. You’ll also need to select the layout that will be best for your vehicle’s size and shape.
The design of your wrap should be eye-catching and simple enough to grab attention in a short amount of time. This means making sure to avoid using too many details in the design and not overloading the vehicle’s front end with text or images.
Your design should follow the basic principles of graphic design: a clear message, a well-balanced layout, and an appealing color palette. Those are the elements that will help your design stand out from the competition and convey the right brand signals to potential customers.
Oftentimes, businesses don’t pay much attention to the actual layout of their advertisements, which can lead to a design that doesn’t work as well as it could. For instance, a low-contrast design that uses white text on a gray background might look appealing to the eye, but it’s difficult to decipher. The same is true of an ad that uses too much information or isn’t in a clear manner.
If you’re unsure about the layout of your wrap, it’s a good idea to ask the company for a mockup or outline of your design. This way, you can play around with different placements and test out the look of your final design.
Another important factor to keep in mind when designing your vehicle wrap is the type of material you’ll be using. The best choice is a durable vinyl that’s UV resistant, and can stand up to weather conditions like rain and snow. You’ll also want to select a vinyl that will resist peeling and shrinking over time.
A professional vehicle wrap is the best way to ensure your ad gets seen by your target audience, and it’s also the most cost-effective form of advertising for your business. Wraps can generate 30,000 to 70,000 visual impressions per day, which is more than double the average number of impressions that a billboard or newspaper can provide. This makes vehicle wraps an ideal choice for small businesses that don’t have the resources to invest in larger marketing campaigns.